


A responsible approach

The joy of work


Creative thinking



Who are we looking for?

Saladeria worker

A saladeria worker processes and prepares ingredients for salad preparation. He then mixes them right in front of the customer. The position involves working with the cash register and preparing online orders. Opening hours: 8:00 – 16:00 Working hours: by appointment

  • Good salary terms
  • Employee bonuses
  • Arranged meals

The position is suitable for candidates with education

secondary school without final exam secondary school with final exam post-secondary/vocational higher education university student

We are looking for people to join our well-established team for long-term cooperation / temporary work. Experience in the catering industry is welcome but not a requirement. We are mainly looking for students who can work during the week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays).

Online marketing agency intern

Are you creative, have a team spirit and determination? Do you have the drive to learn and to keep improving? If you also have a sense of humour, we want you on the team! We want to create the best in online marketing with you.

Job description:
– creating content – creating marketing campaigns – participating in team brainstorming sessions – having fun 🙂

1. The work is fun, fresh and dynamic. 2. We don’t suffer from stress. So while we expect you to work efficiently and get things done, we focus on open communication and getting things done right the first time. 3. You’ll experience things, do things, and make decisions about things that no big company would ever allow you to do. Thou shalt be able to dictate the work thou do. 4. After a year here, you’ll get a share of the company’s profits. Yes, you read that right!!! 5. You don’t have to be skilled at roller skating or bowling, but you’ll probably do similar things since every few months we do something fun or crazy or both as a team.

1. You have to be the kind of person who enjoys doing things. You’ll have a to-do list every day. Fun stuff. Important things. Necessary things. 2. You’ll be on the computer a lot, as that’s what today’s online marketing world is all about, but we like to make trips to clients too. 3. You’ve got to be a person who enjoys being with other people at work and creating an equally great working environment. You have to be someone who makes other people feel good by making other people feel good. 4. You have to pay attention to details. You don’t have to race through your work and do things half-heartedly (we figured that out on our own). We need you to do things more slowly, but correctly. 5. We want you to be precise in your work. If you’re shy or quiet, that’s totally fine.

  • working on interesting projects for a wide range of clients
  • working in a creative team
  • the opportunity to learn
  • flexible working hours

The position is suitable for candidates with education

  • college student

Education in the field

  • Mass Media Studies

Language skills

English – Intermediate (B2) and Slovak – Expert (C2)

Other knowledge

Microsoft Excel – Basics Microsoft Word – Basics Microsoft PowerPoint – Basics Mailchimp – Basics WordPress – Basics Facebook Ads – Basics Online Marketing – Basics Google Digital Garage – Basics

Personal qualifications and skills

– excellent communication and presentation skills – creative thinking – orientation to the market, customer, goals and results – very good knowledge of Slovak and English in both written and verbal form – other language is an advantage – experience with similar work is an advantage – ability to work in a team as well as independently – good work ethic and sense of responsibility – systematic

If you are interested in the position of Online Marketing Agency Trainee, please send us your CV with your consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 18/2018 Coll. for the purposes of selection procedures and registration in the database of job applicants. We will contact candidates who meet the specified conditions for the position. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

Marketingový asistent

Junior Marketing Assistant

Are you creative, and have a team spirit and determination? Are you still in control? Are you eager to learn and keep improving? If you don’t lack a sense of humour, we want you on the team! ZOOMZOOM is looking for a creative enthusiast to be the right-hand man to the Marketing Agency Director. We want to create the best in online marketing with you.

Job description:
– content creation – creation and coordination of marketing campaigns – assisting the Director in coordinating the team – participating in team brainstorming sessions – have fun 🙂

1. The work is fun, fresh and dynamic. 2. We don’t suffer from stress. So while we expect you to work efficiently and get things done, we focus on open communication and getting things done right the first time. 3. You’ll experience things, do things, and make decisions about things that no big company would ever allow you to do. Thou shalt be able to dictate the work thou do. 4. After a year here, you’ll get a share of the company’s profits. Yes, you read that right!!! 5. You don’t have to be skilled at roller skating or bowling, but you’ll probably do similar things since every few months we do something fun or crazy or both as a team.

1. You have to be the kind of person who enjoys doing things. You’ll have a to-do list every day. Fun stuff. Important things. Necessary things. 2. You’ll be on the computer a lot, as that’s what today’s online marketing world is all about, but we like to make trips to clients too. 3. You’ve got to be a person who enjoys being with other people at work and creating an equally great working environment. You have to be someone who makes other people feel good by making other people feel good. 4. You have to pay attention to details. You don’t have to race through your work and do things half-heartedly (we figured that out on our own). We need you to do things more slowly, but correctly. 5. We want you to be precise in your work. If you’re shy or quiet that’s totally fine.

– working on interesting projects for a wide range of clients – working in a creative team – the opportunity to learn – flexible working hours

The position is suitable for candidates with education

university degree Undergraduate degrees

Education in the field

Mass Media Studies

Language skills

English – Intermediate (B2) and Slovak – Expert (C2)

Other knowledge

Microsoft Excel – Advanced Microsoft Word – Advanced Microsoft PowerPoint – Advanced Mailchimp – Basics WordPress – Basics Facebook Ads – Basics Online Marketing – Advanced Google Digital Garage – Basics

Personal qualifications and skills

– excellent communication and presentation skills – creative thinking – orientation to the market, customer, goals and results – very good knowledge of Slovak and English in both written and verbal form – other language is an advantage – experience with similar work is an advantage – ability to work in a team as well as independently – good work ethic and sense of responsibility – systematic

If you are interested in the position of Junior Marketing Assistant, please send us your CV with your consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 18/2018 Coll. for the purposes of selection procedures and registration in the database of job applicants. We will contact candidates who meet the specified conditions for the position. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

Junior Google a Facebook Marketing Manager

Do you like working with numbers? Do you like to analyse? Do things have to make sense and logic to you? Does it make you happy to constantly improve yourself and the results of your work? If so, we are looking for you and would love to see your CV!

Job description:
– Marketing through advertising on social networks and in the online space
– constantly reflecting on what to improve for the best results
– present results and make suggestions for improvement

1. The work is fun, fresh and dynamic. 2. We don’t suffer from stress. So while we expect you to work efficiently and get things done, we focus on open communication and getting things done right the first time. 3. You’ll experience things, do things, and make decisions about things that no big company would ever allow you to do. Thou shalt be able to dictate the work thou do. 4. After a year here, you’ll get a share of the company’s profits. Yes, you read that right!!! 5. You don’t have to be skilled at roller skating or bowling, but you’ll probably do similar things since every few months we do something fun or crazy or both as a team.

1. You have to be the kind of person who enjoys doing things. You’ll have a to-do list every day. Fun stuff. Important things. Necessary things. 2. You’ll be on the computer a lot, as that’s what today’s online marketing world is all about, but we like to make trips to clients too. 3. You’ve got to be a person who enjoys being with other people at work and creating an equally great working environment. You have to be someone who makes other people feel good by making other people feel good. 4. You have to pay attention to details. You don’t have to race through your work and do things half-heartedly (we figured that out on our own). We need you to do things more slowly, but correctly. 5. We want you to be precise in your work. If you’re shy or quiet, that’s totally fine.

  • práca na zaujímavých projektoch pre širokú škálu klientov
  • práca v tvorivom kolektíve
  • možnosť vzdelávať sa
  • podiel na zisku spoločnosti
  • pravidelné teambuildingy so super kolegami
  • neobmedzený prístup ku káve, nápojom a snackom
  • strava v šaláterii Dokelu za zvýhodnenú cenu
  • office v centre Košíc

Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním

stredoškolské s maturitou
študent vysokej školy
vysokoškolské I. stupňa
vysokoškolské II. stupňa

Vzdelanie v odbore

marketing, ekonómia, manažment, matematika, mediálne štúdiá, informatika

Jazykové znalosti

Anglický jazyk – Stredne pokročilý (B2) a Slovenský jazyk – Expert (C2)

Ostatné znalosti

Microsoft Excel – Základy
Microsoft Word – Základy
Microsoft PowerPoint – Základy
WordPress – Základy
Facebook Ads – Základy
Mailchimp – Základy
Online Marketing – Základy
Google Analytics – Základy
Google Ads – Základy

Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti

– analytické myslenie
– drive stále zlepšovať seba a svoje výsledky
– vzťah k číslam a analýze
– veľmi dobrá znalosť slovenského a anglického jazyka slovom i písmom
– skúsenosť s podobnou prácou je výhodou
– schopnosť pracovať v teame aj samostatne
– dobrá pracovná morálka a zmysel pre zodpovednosť

V prípade záujmu o pracovnú pozíciu Junior Google a Facebook Marketing manager nám pošli CV aj so súhlasom so spracovaním osobných údajov v zmysle zákona NR SR č. 18/2018 Z. z. pre účely výberových konaní a evidencie v databáze uchádzačov o zamestnanie.

Ozveme sa kandidátom, ktorí spĺňajú stanovené podmienky pre pracovnú pozíciu. Ďakujeme a tešíme sa na Teba!

Driving school instructor

  • Preparation and conducting of courses for obtaining a type B driving licence.
  • Lecturing on the rules of the road in accordance with current legislation and practice.
  • Teaching motor vehicle construction and basic maintenance.
  • Teaching driving on driving ranges.
  • Practical instruction in driving a motor vehicle.
  • Participation in final practical tests.

– moderné vybavenie
– nadštandardné platové ohodnotenie
– možnosť využívať vozidlo aj na súkromné účely

Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním

stredoškolské s maturitou
nadstavbové/vyššie odborné vzdelanie

Vzdelanie v odbore

potrebný kurz inštruktora autoškoly

Vodičský preukaz


Prax na pozícii/v oblasti


Počet rokov praxe


Pozícia je vhodná pre absolventa


Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti

  • Dobré komunikačné schopnosti
  • Trpezlivosť
  • Entuziazmus
  • Príjemné vystupovanie
  • Kurz inštruktora autoškoly

V prípade záujmu o pracovnú pozíciu Inštruktor/ka autoškoly nám pošlite CV aj so súhlasom so spracovaním osobných údajov v zmysle zákona NR SR č. 18/2018 Z. z. pre účely výberových konaní a evidencie v databáze uchádzačov o zamestnanie.

Ozveme sa kandidátom, ktorí spĺňajú stanovené podmienky pre pracovnú pozíciu.

Let's stay in touch

Are you interested in cooperation? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Do you have any questions about GURUPU?

Do not hesitate to say Hello